Wild Island presents specialised and practical tuition in photography with Rob Blakers and Loic…

Presentation: Modern Day Daguerreotypist by Jerry Spagnoli
The Institute of Photographic Technology presents a talk by Jerry Spagnoli: Modern Day Daguerreotypist.
The daguerreotype was the first commercially successful photographic process. This positive one-of-a-kind image, with its mystic silver mirror effect, is still fascinating after 180 years. Jerry works with the Becquerrel method that only requires light to develop the image avoiding the dangerous elements of the traditional daguerreotype process. Jerry Spagnoli lives and works in New York City.
Jerry teaches workshops on daguerreotype at Gold Street Studios in Victoria.
Michaels Camera Video & Digital Melbourne. 6 – 7 pm Wednesday 7 November 2018. This is a free event.
Previous Post: Exhibition: The Spirit Within Australia
Jerry works with both the Mercurial and Becquerel methods but teaches becquerel workshops as it’s a easier process to teach away from his studio. The image shown above is mercurial, showing much more detail and tones than the Becquerel process affords. The Becquerel process involves using elemental iodine, which like Bromine and Mercury (additionally used in the Mercurial process), is dangerous. Used with properly built equipment and with the right precautions neither process is dangerous.