CatLABS X film 80 sheet film

CatLABS X film 80 sheet film

US company CatLABS has begun stocking X Film 80 a slow speed, fine grain, high silver content film based on Kodak’s Panatomic  X film. Available in 35mm, 120, 8×10 and 4×5 sheet film sizes.

From CatLABS website:

• CatLABS X FILM 80 is a traditional, slow-speed, fine-grain, high silver content film, designed for a wide array of shooting conditions

• Following in the footsteps of Kodak’s famous ‘Panatomic-X’ (which was used in Polaroid’s equally famous Type 55 film), CatLABS X FILM 80 brings back a classic touch with its unique look

• An ideal “daylight” film, offering versatility and unique characteristics not found in any other currently made film on the market today

• Characterized by its very fine grain, moderate contrast and deep tonal range

• Exhibits a wide exposure latitude under various lighting conditions, and extreme flexibility in processing options

• Rate it at 50 ISO when shooting indoors (under studio lighting) for extreme fine-grain, or push it as high as 800 when shooting in low light conditions

• CatLABS X FILM 80 has an IE of 80 ISO

More information here.

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David Tatnall is an Australian fine art photographer & editor of View Camera Australia.

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