Exhibition: The Print Exposed 2020

Exhibition: The Print Exposed 2020

The Print Exposed is a truly unique exhibition aimed at encouraging the understanding, and appreciation for handmade alternative/ historic photographic print processes evolved from the birth of photography. Photographers…
Exhibition: Photography of Stavros Pippos

Exhibition: Photography of Stavros Pippos

Stavros Pippos exhibition features three photographic printing methods: Platinum-palladium, regarded as the pinnacle of archival printing, plus the more traditional black-and-white gelatin-silver and the exquisite silver-chloride…
Exhibition: The Print Exposed 2019

Exhibition: The Print Exposed 2019

'The Print Exposed is a truly unique exhibition aimed at encouraging the understanding, and appreciation for handmade alternative/ historic photographic print processes evolved from over 175 years of…
Exhibition: The Spirit Within Australia

Exhibition: The Spirit Within Australia

The exhibition exhibits works from the fine press book (of the same name) featuring original photographic-based art produced using historic hand-crafted processes from both well-known and emerging…
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