Pencil Pine branchlet in ice, Walls of Jerusalem National Park. 60.9 x 76.2 cm inkjet print from 4x5 transparency. Like many large format photographers, I…
Central Brooks Range, northern Alaska. 2004. 4x5 transparency I have always been drawn to the erratic lines of wild mountains and natural landscapes, even from…
View Camera Australia is seeking photographers who want their work featured to get in touch. There are three main avenues of having your work featured:…
Boulder Beach — Mimosa Rocks National Park, NSW. 1996. Transparency scan. This image, Boulder Beach, was made at Mimosa Rocks National Park on the NSW south coast on…
Coastal topographies 4 x 5 transparencies This series developed from a project I’ve been working on sporadically for over a decade, photographing regions of Victoria's…