Murray White's experience using Ilford's orthochromic film Ortho Plus It seems to me that the most durable trends in photography to date are those that…
Gale E Spring is an Adjunct A/Professor of Biomedical and Forensic Photography at RMIT University, School of Science. Melbourne. Contributor & Editor: Danielle Edwards a…
When you consider the number of intervening variables that can come into play between pressing the shutter button and the final print or photograph it…
The title of this article will probably have many people guessing what tone separations are. In a previous article on the Bermpohl colour separation camera…
Background Kodak describes Ektachrome E100 as “a daylight-balanced color positive film, featuring clean, vibrant colors, a neutral tone scale, and extremely fine grain. Its distinctive…
Stand Development increase film speed and extend contrast range What is Stand Development? If by chance you have not heard of stand development, it involves using…