Ian Lobb Photographer 1948 – 2023 It’s with great sadness…

Exhibition: Canberra Contemporary Photographic Prize 2024
‘The Canberra Contemporary Photographic Prize is an exhibition and competition celebrating both emerging and established talents in photo media. Open to photographers worldwide, regardless of their experience level, this competition is dedicated to showcasing new perspectives in contemporary photography. It offers a unique opportunity for finalists to exhibit their work, providing a kaleidoscopic view of photographic art.’ PhotoAcess website.
Photographers included:
Christopher Allery, Caleb Arcifa, Cheryl Bronson, Michelle Burrows, George Calvelo, Dave Carswell, Claire Conroy, Grace Costa, Carolyn Craig, Lisa Cramer, Ryan Dandelion, Brett Leigh Dicks, Damian Dillon, Sophie Dohnt, Rozalind Drummond, Jesse Egner, Michelle Ferreira, Alex Flannery, Alison Ford, Sophie Gabrielle, Aidan Gageler, Fiona Henderson, Tessa Ivison, Damien Laing, Sarah Lee, Gavin Libotte, David Lindesay, Adam Luckhurst, Orlando Luminere, Adam Lynch, Colin MacDougall, Kathy Mackey, Claire Manning, Heidi Margocsy, Joel Markham, Isobel Markus-Dunworth, Wilhelm Philipp, Fernanda Pedroso, Zorica Purlija, Claire Letitia Reynolds, Brenda Runnegar, Remi Siciliano, Aia Solis, Cat Sparks, Lisa Stonham, Neale Stratford, Sari Sutton, Andrew Tan, Hilary Wardhaugh and Sherry Zheng.
PhotoAcess. Canberra 12 – 29 June 2024
Photograph above: Sophie Dohnt – Feathering Hands 2024
Previous Post: Folio: Mark Darragh