‘Multi-disciplinary artist James Tylor combines historical and contemporary photographic processes…

View Camera Gathering 2023
The View Camera Gathering, a get-together of like-minded large format photography enthusiasts, has been meeting at Gold Street Studios & Gallery since 2007, and happened annually up until the Covid-19 pandemic interfered.
Now that the Covid-19 crisis has abated somewhat, we would like to reactivate the View Camera Gathering, still based at Gold Street Studios & Gallery at Trentham East in Victoria. There will be no formal presentations, no cost (gold coin donation to cover coffee and tea), just a gathering of like-minded large format photographers getting together to take photographs, interact and socialise.
Gold Street Studios & Gallery. Trentham East. Victoria, 11 & 12 November 2023, 9 am – 5 pm both days.
For further information and enquiries contact either Ellie Young or Peter McDonald at pmviewcam@gmail.com.
Photograph above: The first View Camera Gathering at Gold Street Studios in 2007. Photograph by Gale Spring.

I am the president of a group called “Tokyo 8X10 Union Federation” whose purpose is to hold a photo exhibition in Tokyo, Japan. This group was founded in 2006, held its first photo exhibition in 2007, did not hold an exhibition in 2008, and was reorganized in 2009, producing a series of works taken with an 8X10 camera every year. There are currently about 60 members, but only 30 regularly participate, and this year there were 42 participants. There is no annual or monthly membership fee, and you can participate only by paying a participation fee of 4,000 yen at the time of the photo exhibition. The reason membership fees are low is because it costs a lot of money to create works, so we keep costs down.
A big thankyou to Peter McDonald who proposed the gathering for 2023 and for Ellie Young for hosting the meeting point at Gold Street Studios. It was great to catch up with familiar faces which we weren’t able to do for some time because of covid. I am sure everyone enjoyed themselves Shared a lot of information all of which is necessary in order to keep our wonderful craft alive.
I look forward to the next when ever that may be.