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Vale: John Blakemore
British photographer John Blakemore 1936 – 2025
‘John Blakemore was one of the leading photographers of landscape and nature in the world, his exquisite prints, each subtly different – whether the result of toning or variations in exposure – represent interpretative responses to the subject before him.
John Blakemore is celebrated for the detail, texture and tonal richness of his work. Blakemore began teaching in the late 1970s and became a major figure in what was then seen as a ‘British obsession with photography’. He was a Emeritus Professor of Photography at the University of Derby, where he taught from 1970 to 2001.
John Blakemore’s books include Inscape (1991), Stilled Gaze (1994) and John Blakemore’s Black and White Photography Workshop (2005). His work has been exhibited world-wide, and he is widely regarded as one of the finest photographers and printers in the United Kingdom. Blakemore has been the recipient of Arts Council awards, a British Council Traveling Exhibition and in 1992 he won the coveted Fox Talbot Award for Photography.’ Centre for British Photography.
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