'The collection was shot on Niue, a Pacific Island east…

Exhibition: The Last Azo Compendium – Bob Kersey
Home of Light & Shadow, Leura. New South Wales. 15 – 29 April 2018
‘My photographic approach over 20 years has evolved both as a composite of an exploration of the self in the modern era and a loyalty to what is considered best practice from days gone by.
I have been hoarding a large yellow box of Azo, turning down offers, for over 10 years, finally bringing it into my present line of thought with regard to new variations printing existing negatives.
This exhibition signifies what I know to be the very last printing of the last box of Azo in the rare 20×24 inch size, certainly in this country. Wherever more may be lurking, it will never see the light of day unless it first sees the light of a darkroom safe light.
Having stored the box for over ten years, the muse finally moved me to make a selection from amongst my finest extra large format negatives and make the most recent and best prints possible. Some images unfortunately failed to make the cut before I ran out of paper but I am lucky and grateful to complete the portfolio with 10 mounted photographs for exhibition with just one example of each’. Bob Kersey
Azo is a silver-chloride contact printing paper manufactured by Kodak.
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